Monday, May 7, 2012

How Ball Wins at Poker

     I sent all the kids upstairs to clean up their bedrooms. They of course were pissed thrilled to have this opportunity!  During this time, I also do chores and as I'm cleaning, I look into each kids' room.  If that child is working, I will dive in and help out because I'm cool like that.

     Unexpectedly, 4 year old Ball is usually the best.  She loves having a clean floor and takes pride in her work.  She often hits me up for multiple compliments on a job well done.  However, on this particular day, she was not going for it.  She told me that she refused to clean her room unless I helped her.  Let me translate this for you: she would willingly lay on the floor doing nothing while I picked up everything.

     Neither of us was subscribing to the other's plan.  I threw down the gauntlet.  I told her I was leaving and she needed to get to work or the next time she saw me, I would have a garbage bag and the stuff on the floor would go in it.  (I know, I'm a hard ass.)  Five minutes later Ball was downstairs whining that she really needed my help.  I warned her again to go upstairs and get to work.

     Once the dishes were in the dishwasher, I walked upstairs with my garbage bag.  Ball was laying on the floor and not one thing had been picked up.  She saw my garbage bag and didn't care.  I picked up every item and placed it in my bag letting her know it was gone.  (Gone means in my closet for a really long time because I can't handle throwing anything away.)  There was not even a whimper from her.  When my bag was full and her floor was clean she looked at me and said "Thanks for cleaning my room Momma."

What do you do when you have a parenting fail?


  1. Wow, I don't even know! She won that round!

    1. She wins too often unfortunately and she's really cute so she gets away with way too much. I guess that's the beauty of being the baby.

  2. Ahahahaha . . . this has SO happened to us. There are STILL a few toys in the garage's "toy jail"! Guess she didn't really want them anyways!

    1. You know your kids might have too many toys when...

  3. Oh my lawd, we have the same daughter! THE SAME ONE! Sorry to yell, but I can't believe there are two of them. Mine is 7 now, but at that same age I had to do the garbage bag thing, and it was exactly that ineffective. I was (and am) baffled - how can that not bother a child??? I did it more than once, and she never cared. I still have to twist her arm to make her clean, but very recently she's started to get a bit better about it. So by the time Ball's 7, your garbage bag thing might start to work - and it probably won't take that long, since you say Ball usually enjoys a clean floor and takes pride in her work, whereas that's never been the case for mine. ;)

    1. Robyn, Thanks for stopping by! We might have some hope, however, she is my baby (like your Maddie) and gets away with murder all the time. She's way too cute for our good.

  4. Replies
    1. We tried to give Ball the middle name "Trouble" but the nurses at the hospital discouraged us from writing that on her birth certificate.


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