Sunday, July 29, 2012

Do You Hear What I Hear?

     Stasha over at The good life asked us to come up with ten sounds that drive us bonkers for this week's Monday Listicles.  I guess I live a pretty charmed life because this list was actually pretty tough for me.  Here goes...
  1. The bark of the neighbor's dog which is more regular than a rooster and wakes my boy and subsequently me before 6:00 every morning
  2. The "bing bing bing" my car makes when the keys are in the ignition and the driver's side door is open.  Moms should be allowed to disable this noise since we have to hop out and deal with the kids five times before we're able to actually drive anywhere
  3. I'm going for the obvious, but nails on a chalkboard
  4. The "beep beep beep" of the handicap equipped walk signs outside my master bathroom window  They beep to let the blind person(s) in our development know that it is not safe to cross yet.  They are so high pitched that I probably never would have noticed it except that the first night we moved in my husband pointed the noise out to me and now I hear them constantly.
  5. The sound of all the neighbor kids laughing and playing outside together when my kids and I are trapped inside and can't join in the fun
  6. The "Eee Eee Eee!" probably best described as a hyena in pain that is my daughter's automatic response whenever we say "no" to her about anything.  I want her to stay and I want that sound to go (and not be replaced!)
  7. My ring tone when it goes off during a final exam and embarrasses me in front of everyone because I'm the jerk with her cell phone ringer on
  8. Motorcycles vroom vrooming outside my bedroom window at 11:30 at night
  9. The chirping of a smoke alarm in the middle of the night (based on 1, 8, and 9 you see that I really dislike noises that compromise my sleep)
  10. The Sound of Silence.  It used to mean my daughter had finally stopped crying.  Now it almost assuredly means my kids are up to no good.


Provided my blog doesn't count as a noise that drives you bonkers, please click below.
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  1. We seem to have the same uhhh "dislikes" to those beeping/binging/chirping sounds. How could I not remember the binging of the car!!! SO annoying!

    1. Anything that was designed to have an annoying sound almost always succeeds.

  2. OH yea, forgot to include the chirping smoke alarm in my list. FUN list!

    1. I think almost every alarm drives me bonkers.

  3. Oh I really hate it when people POINT OUT annoying noises to me. Then something I never noticed before plagues me forever. ARRRGH! Ellen

  4. We have nasty little girls in our complex. Little meaning 12 and 13, my son's age. They are really not kind. I hate to hear them out at the pool having fun when my son doesn't want to deal with them or now when he has an ear infection and can't anyway. I get it.

    1. Oh man, the noise of someone you're trying to avoid would definitely be worse than the noise of a group you want to join. Sorry your son has to deal with that!

  5. The smoke alarm - ALWAYS in the middle of the night! Ugh!

    1. And it always requires a chair and we have to stumble around in the dark on a high surface trying to replace the battery.

  6. Stupid loud motorcycles are bad at any time of the day, but especially maddening late at night. I totally hear you on the sound of silence now too - here it usually means someone has unrolled all the toilet paper or is stuck in a footstool. ;)

    1. My kids unroll the toilet paper INTO the toilet. I'm shocked we haven't had to call a plummer yet. Maybe that is how they are so silent...

  7. Not to terrible, truly is a happy life you have :) But those alarms are mocking us!! I remember one episode of Modern Family when Phil disabled all the fire alarms... As I was watching it, ours started beeping too!

  8. I hate, hate, hate the sound of birds chirping. Any birds, but especially the higher pitched ones (and the ones that talk!! Ugh! LoL)...All I can think about is wanting to shoot them when I hear them--I know that is probably horrible, and for the record I wouldn't do it because I hate guns, but definitely true for me.

    We have disabled every alarm in our house but one because for some reason they are so sensitive they go off all the time for no reason. The one in the kitchen would go off every single time we boiled water :/

    1. I really only mind birds chirping when they wake me up. (See? I'm nothing if not consistent.)

  9. You're totally right about number 2!

    1. Every single time I leave the door open it promptly reminds me why I hate leaving the door open.

  10. LOL @ true, so true!

    popping over from Monday Listicle, it's my first week playing, not sure if people visit each other but i thought i would try to visit a few blogs.

    1. Thanks for stopping by!
      My kids are great silent trouble makers. I always tuck them into bed at night and then find something they ruined during the day.

  11. We have quite a few in common! I forgot about the car ding though!

    1. I want to install a "Mommy Driving" button that will disable all annoying noises in the car when I'm driving.

  12. Kids and silence are not a good combination.

  13. Anything that interrupts my sleep should be on my list. Even that little "Mommy?". lol

    Here's my post:


    1. I can not function without my precious precious sleep.

  14. Oh my gosh! The smoke detector when it needs a battery. I completely forgot about that one. It use to send the dog into hiding and going on the hunt to find exactly which one it is...maddening! Especially when you climb up on the chair you dragged over, change the battery and three seconds later you hear the chirp again! ACK NOT the right one!

    1. I think we could write a soap opera about smoke detector battery changes.

  15. It's surprising how annoying silence can be.
    And there's nothing wrong with hating sounds that interrupt your sleep!

    1. What little sleep I get should not be interrupted. I paid my up all night dues with all three kids.
      On a related note, has that Duggar woman slept at all in the last 17 years?

  16. i thought i was gonna get flamed for saying motorcycles annoyed me but WHY ARE THEY SO DAMN LOUD?!

    1. I was afraid to say it too!
      I'm glad this isn't Monday Listicles "Motorcycle Edition!"

  17. I've been there one too many times with the cellphone ring!

    1. It was embarrassing that it was my phone, but it was most embarrassing because I have the loudest most annoying ring tone on the planet. Of that I am sure.

  18. #2!!! Yikes! Wish I would've realized sooner!

    1. We should just never get out of the car ever. That will solve all our problems. Do you think husbands will mind delivering dinners to us in our cars?

  19. Completely agree with 1,2 & 10! Ha!


    1. I'm a great neighbor because I never complain about the dogs to my neighbors at all. I just complain here on my blog. They are so lucky!

  20. Good list! I'm with you on the noises that interrupt sleep - not cool.

    1. I think if I never had to sleep I would never find any noises annoying. Or maybe I would find noises more annoying because I'd be grumpy from lack of sleep. I'm going to ponder this in my sleep tonight.

  21. Ha! #10 was a good one. You never know what they're up to.

  22. I swear our smoke alarms only go off at night while sleeping! At least that's when the batteries die. Why can't they ever die during the day instead of 2 am?!

    1. Always when you're asleep and always a smoke detector that is too high to reach without a ladder.


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