Sunday, April 29, 2012

Liebster Award

     I was nominated for a Liebster award from Jen @ rebekah grace The Practically Perfect Princess.  She and her sister wrote and illustrated an adorable children's book out this month.  She found me through the Ultimate Blog Party and nominated me for this award.

     I am excited about this; I won my first award!

     If you are not familiar with the Liebster Award it is given to fairly new blogs with 200 or less followers. This is a way of giving recognition to bloggers for a job well done. It brings undiscovered blogs to the light and helps them gain exposure to attract more followers. If you receive a Liebster the person giving it to you is basically saying, "Hey, YOU ROCK!"

Being nominated for a Liebster comes with a few guidelines...

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.

2. You must link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.

3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.

4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to up to 5 blogs you think deserve some recognition. Remember they have to have 200 followers or less when presented with a Liebster!

5. Make sure you let the bloggers you nominated know they have a Liebster! Leave a comment on their blog, DM on twitter, Facebook post--however you normally get in contact with them!

Here are my nominations for who I think deserves a Liebster Award of their own!  They are in no particular order.  These are all blogs I enjoy reading each day.  Please follow them and show your support.

1. Robyn @ Hollow Tree Ventures makes me laugh out loud almost every day.  She is clever and sarcastic and her crafts make me feel inferior.  Her entire blog is definitely worth checking out.

2. Erin and Ellen @ Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms are a fun comedic team.  They give sound advice with good humor.  Their blog is a wonderful collaboration and a fun read.

3. Stephanie @ The Healthy Mom In addition to the funny stories she tells about her family she gives some wonderful advice for how to eat better and live better.  I'm glad I found this blog.

4. Katie @ The Somewhat Sane Mom With 3 young daughters and a daycare at home I can perfectly understand why she is only "Somewhat Sane".  She's been making me laugh since I found her blog.


  1. Congrats on your award.

    1. Thank you very much and I appreciate you stopping by!

  2. Great list of nominee blogs. I am excited to check them out. Thanks for the shout out and enjoy your Liebster!!!


    1. Thanks for the nomination Jen. It was very kind of you.

  3. Congrats on your award, and I'm SO flattered to be nominated! Thanks for saying such nice things ::blushes:: - it always feels so good to get some recognition, especially when it seems so unlikely that anyone out there in cyberspace can hear your little blog's voice. :)

    1. Recognistion is always nice. I feel like I've won an academy award any time any of my kids says "Thanks for dinner Mom!" I'm going to spend some time thinking about what that might say about me...

  4. Congratulations, Marian! Your blog always makes me laugh. Your analyses of the most mundane happenings make them hilarious. Thanks for the laughs.

    1. Thanks Janet! I'm glad you check in and read the hilarious antics of your crazy grandkids.


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