Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mission Impossible - Play Date

     Dude had a play date scheduled yesterday but it was raining.  We couldn't meet at the park as planned.  When I tried to reschedule, this wasn't an option because the other mother had told her son about the play date and he had been looking forward to it all weekend.

     Play dates at my house operate much more like Mission Impossible.  I lead a small team of operatives running missions where only rare cryptic bits of information are provided. Here is how my special task force operates:

Texts, e-mails, or phone calls are made to arrange play dates.  These "missions" are agreed upon by me and another director. 

Missions are kept top secret.  I hold the date and time of our mission secret until the operatives are needed for action. 

Mother nature or changed plans can potentially cause unnecessary hassle.  Should an evil organization or updated directive force us to modify our mission my operatives are spared unnecessary preparation.

"Your mission should you choose to accept it..."  My operatives always accept their mission.  Like all good special ops groups my team is ready for action.

Sometimes a mission involves only one child, sometimes more.  Some of my operatives enjoy surveillance work almost as much as field work and others get impatient when not in the field.  For this reason our team forms a plan and my operatives always know their assigned targets.

Mission directors are always able to abort any mission should operatives go rogue.

Although not perfect, the record for my elite operations team is commendable with far more successful missions than failed.


  1. It sounds like you have super organized play dates! People involved in impossible missions are super organized, right? We are on our way over!

    1. (Thanks for linking this up with us over at #findingthefunny!)

  2. I see why your son's friend was looking forward to the playdate. Your house sounds like fun. Can we come over to play?

    1. Anytime. It sounds like our kids are pretty well matched in age. Important question: will you boy play with light sabers?

  3. so funny, and so true! love this!

    1. We have just had too many play dates fail and disappoint all involve. I no longer take any chances!


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