Wait? Was that title confusing? Did you think I was naked? I love you too much to do that to you. I'm talking about all the wonderfully naked men in the Magic Mike movie I saw two weeks ago.
I am nothing if not relevant people! A month ago Kim @ Let Me Start By Saying wrote a hilarious post about going to see Magic Mike. Go and read it. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Welcome back! After reading her post two weeks ago I was sold. Two words: Alcide Hevreax. Wait! My favorite werewolf? Mostly naked? Where's my popcorn?
When I told Kim I was going I got this:
So you can blame this whole post on her.
At dinner that night with my Mother-in-law and Brother-in-law, Hubs announced to the whole table that I was trying to get away in time "to go see that male stripper movie." I turned a few shades of red and then smiled and left for the night smug in the knowledge that he was putting all three kids to bed by himself. Oh sweet revenge.
This movie was actually perfect for me. It was an opportunity to quietly ogle good-looking men with no fear of being pulled up on stage and being touched by strangers. That being said, here's my take on Magic Mike.
1. The dancing was Ah-mazing! Even with their clothes on their moves were drool worthy. Taking their clothes off just added to the fun.
2. Plot was completely unnecessary. I could have watched a movie with nothing but those fine men stripping the whole time.
3. I completely agree with Kim. Matthew McConaughey was not the highlight for me. I would have traded his finale for ten extra minutes of half naked Joe Manganiello - any day!
4. I loved that the ladies on stage with the men were not all conventionally attractive. Feminists unite!
5. I will pay to see Magic Mike 2. I will even pay in advance if that will ensure they make a second movie.
On an related note, while I was doing "research" my good friend
IMDB told me that Joe Manganiello is exactly one day older than me. Somehow this makes me feel better. I mean, if he still has it going on...
I know, I've made it difficult to tell who is my favorite. |
Who am I kidding? I am no Joe Manganiello. At least he can't turn me down on the grounds that I'm too old for him. (Always look on the bright side of life...)
Now you tell me, which of these five men would motivate you to see Magic Mike? Would you want to go on stage with your choice guy? Or are you a "look but don't touch" person? Inquiring minds want to know they aren't the only dirty oldish woman.
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